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Nearly 50% of Employees exhausted by jobs

A 2023 global culture report by employee recognition O.C. Tanner found that 46% of UK employees find their work exhausting, with 40% feeling emotionally frustrated. The report-which analysed the perspectives of employees, leaders, HR practitioners and business executives worldwide-also found that nearly a third of employees are unfulfilled at work.

Burned-out or unfulfilled employees may be more likely to leave organisations, negatively affecting productivity and hindering retention endeavours. As such, organisations must take heed of O.C. Tanners research and scrutinise ways to bolster the well-being of their employees.

Report findings Explained
As part of its research, O.C. Tanner identified four main pillars that may influence employee fulfilment:
1. Balance – Employees need time to accomplish responsibilities both at work and at home.
2. Community, connection and belonging-Employees crave acceptance and are affected by interactions with individuals and groups around them, including recognition.
3. Growth – Employees desire progression and opportunities to develop and apply learnt skills.
4. Purpose – Employees value the reasons behind activities and why they matter.

Overall, when employees feel accomplished in these four areas, the likelihood of exhaustion and burnout decreases and fulfilment increases. For instance, the report found that those with an excellent balance between their working and personal lives were 47% less likely to suffer from burnout. In contrast, burnout chances increased by 89% among those with poor balance.

Employer Action

It’s vital that employers carefully consider the well-being of employees to lower absence levels and improve staff retention.
In this vein, employers should consider the following best practices:
• Offer Flexibility. Where possible, employers should give staff autonomy over work schedules, allowing them to decide where and when they complete work duties. Specifically, flexible scheduling, remote working or compressed hours could promote a healthier work-life balance among employees not required to work in person.

• Increase staff recognition. Besides fair compensation, employers should find meaningful ways to regularly thank staff for their efforts. Measures include employee recognition days and events, career anniversary celebrations and peer recognition programmes.

• Leverage modern leadership strategies. Modern leaders are inclusive, communicate purpose and encourage growth. Such leaders naturally improve the culture of organisations, according to O.C, Tanner. Thus, employers should equip managers to be modern leaders who advocate for their employees.
Contact us today for further workplace well-being and retention guidance.

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