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 An experienced worker can have a powerful influence on new employees and their perspectives on safety.

Setting a good safety example

 As a colleague of new employees, consider yourself the most critical role model during their first few weeks. After all, your attitude and respect for safety policies and procedures could end up helping them avoid serious accidents and injuries in the workplace.

It may take a while for new employees to adjust and feel like they fit in. Those who have never held a job before or were previously employed by companies with weak safety programmes will need considerable safety instruction and leadership. As such, their early impressions of the way you value safety will likely impact their future habits.

During this crucial transition time, your actions will speak louder than your words. If you are careless at work, you will demonstrate to new employees that safety is not important. On the other hand, some employees may come from companies that prioritise safety. In that case, their personal respect for you will likely grow when they see that you care about workplace safety just as much as they do.

Serious accidents and injuries can be an unfortunate reality in the workplace. Make sure that your new colleagues are aware of the danger, too. Doing so will keep everyone at the worksite safe.


Protecting against noise hazards

Noise is present in many workplaces, but regular noise exposure can be hazardous to health. Specifically, everyday work activities could put employees at risk of irreversible, noise-induced hearing loss if noise levels aren’t properly controlled. In fact, 11,000 cases of hearing problems are caused by or made worse by work each year, according to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics. That’s why it’s vital for employees like you to have a clear understanding of potential noise hazards in the workplace.

Is Your Hearing at Risk?

To properly protect yourself at work, it’s important to be aware of the noise levels that can cause hearing loss and take steps to either avoid or reduce these exposures.

Consider the following key points:

  • There could be a noise problem where you work if you have to raise your voice to speak to someone 2m away or if your hearing is muffled at the end of the day, according to the HSE.
  • The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 mandate that you wear ear protection when you are regularly exposed to at least 85 decibels of noise. To put that number in perspective, this is less than the noise output from average traffic, most power tools, a shotgun blast or a concert.

With these points in mind, it’s critical to consistently wear personal protective equipment if you are exposed to noise hazards while working. Such protection may vary based on specific noise exposures. Whether it’s earmuffs or simple plugs, there are a variety of options.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss usually happens gradually and often goes unnoticed. Here are some clues that may indicate you are experiencing hearing loss:

  • You strain to understand conversations.
  • You think people are mumbling or not speaking clearly.
  • You need to have things repeated frequently.
  • You watch people’s faces intently when listening.
  • You increase television or radio volumes to the point where others complain.
  • You have ringing in your ears or feel dizzy.

If you have any of these symptoms, ask your doctor for a hearing test.

Consult your supervisor for more information on protecting against potential noise hazards in the workplace.


Medical Specific Disclaimer:

The following information is not exhaustive, nor does it apply to specific circumstances. The content therefore should not be regarded as medical advice and not be relied upon as such. Readers should contact a medical professional for appropriate advice.



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The following information is not exhaustive, nor does it apply to specific circumstances. The content therefore should not be regarded as constituting legal or regulatory advice and not be relied upon as such. Readers should contact a legal or regulatory professional for appropriate advice. Further, the law may have changed since the first publication of this information.

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